Unified Enterprise Continuity
Unify and coordinate your emergency response plans and resources without replacing what you have
Unify Your Program and Realize Your Vision
An Emergency Response Program are a collection of plans, physical resources, teams, training an exercises that all need to work together seamlessly. A well-executed response leads effective protection of employee life safety and preserving your site. Having an effective response allows business recovery to be set up for success.
It’s all About Alignment
Is your plan up to date with the ever-changing risk profile of today’s world?
Are your plans actionable not only indicating “what” to do but are clear as to the “who, what, when, where and why”?
Are your physical resources aligned to your plan, risk profile? Aligned resources ensure that team members can carry out their tasks and that employees are protected.
Does your plan include detailed insight into your supply resources and how to deploy them during an event?
Can you see the overall health and status of your program in an instant?
Benefits of UEC
Step away from a check the box approach to Emergency Response Programs and look at your program holistically to realize your vision. That’s where Nexis’ Unified Enterprise Continuity (UEC) approach can work with you to tie all the pieces together.
Enhance your program to be actionable and an effective document for training.
Fill in the missing piece of a plan for emergency resources and a protocol for deploying.
Evaluate supply resources based on metrics and best practices so they support your overall objectives and program maturity.
Monitor the readiness of your program keeping track of supply resources, plan updates, trainings, recertifications, and drills.
Keep your program on track for your vision with effective drills, after action reviews, and continuous improvement.
Share and align your response program with your business recovery teams for overall effective response and recovery. After life safety, protect those critical business functions that need to recover quickly.
Nexis can help you provide an aligned and comprehensive approach to your Emergency Response Program. Our approach is to identify areas for enhancement and provide a roadmap for aligning plans, supply resources, training and exercises to achieve effective response and recovery.
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